River Plan / South Reach project documents


City Council Adoption Materials

These City Council materials are supporting documents for the adoption of the River Plan / South Reach.


Exhibit E, Willamette River Greenway Inventory

Exhibit F, Findings of Fact Report

Exhibit G, Chapter 5 (Results) of the Central City 2035 Volume 3, Natural Resources Protection Plan:

Exhibit F, Central City 2035 Scenic Resources Protection Plan:

Notice of Adoption

DLCD Notice of Adoption (Form 2)

As Adopted Plan

Volume 1, Policies, Objectives and Recommendations

Presents the overall vision for the South Reach and translates that vision into implementation proposals for the next 20 years. These implementation proposals include updates to the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Code, other City plans and other actions.

As Adopted Plan - Volume 1, Part 1: Chapter I, Introduction

As Adopted Plan - Volume 1, Part 1: Chapter II, Future of the South Reach

As Adopted Plan - Volume 1, Part 1: Chapter III, Policies, Objectives and Recommendations

As Adopted Plan - Volume 1, Part 2: A, B, and C - Updates to City Codes and Other Plans

As Adopted Plan - Volume 1, Part 2: E - Action Plan

Volume 2, Scenic Resources Protection Plan

Inventories and evaluates South Reach scenic resources. Scenic resources include viewpoints, view streets and scenic corridors, among others.

As Adopted Plan - Volume 2: Chapter I, Introduction

As Adopted Plan - Volume 2: Chapter II, Scenic Resources Inventory

As Adopted Plan - Volume 2: Chapter III, ESEE Analysis

As Adopted Plan - Volume 2: Chapter IV, Implementation

As Adopted Plan - Volume 2: Appendices

Volume 3, Natural Resources Protection Plan

Inventories and evaluates natural resources in the South Reach. The South Reach planning area is broken into five inventory sites to allow for a more detailed assessment of potential environmental protections.

As Adopted Plan - Volume 3: Chapters I–IV

As Adopted Plan - Volume 3: Chapter V, Results

As Adopted Plan - Volume 3: Chapter VI, Implementation Tools, References and Appendices

Volume 4, Background Materials

Background materials that informed the development of the River Plan / South Reach.

As Adopted Plan - Volume 4: Background Materials


  • Staff-proposed amendments to River Plan / South Reach and the Willamette River Greenway Inventory (moved and seconded on November 4, 2020)
    • The River Plan / South Reach amendments are necessary to increase clarity of the regulations and update related City documents and plans. The Willamette River Greenway Inventory amendments are necessary to bring the document up to date since the Planning and Sustainability Commission’s vote in March 2019.
    • The Macadam Character Statement Amendments respond to public testimony provided at the City Council hearing on November 4, 2020. The amendments are needed to provide clearer guidance on how new development should preserve public views and respond to the unique character of S Macadam Blvd. and the riverfront. These will be presented at City Council on December 2, 2020.

Miscellaneous documents

Cultural resources technical memo

Draft Natural Resources Inventory

Draft Existing Conditions Report

Planning area maps