How to set up event recycling stations

A bottle and can recycling container with blue lid and clear plastic bag sits next to a black round trash can. A field of flowers is in the background, with a sign sharing information about the flower festival.
Tips for setting up garbage and recycling stations at large events, including choosing containers, labels, and locations.
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Types of waste containers

Many large events use these foldable containers with color-coded lids and clear plastic bags. In addition to being portable and lightweight, the clear bags and color-coded lids make it easy for event attendees to quickly understand what types of waste belong in each bin.

If you're using clear bags, it's ideal to place a few empty plastic bottles and cans in recycling containers at the beginning of the event to serve as a visual cue for what goes in the bin.

Whatever container you use, color-coding is very helpful: Blue for recycling and black or gray for garbage. Black trash bags for garbage and clear bags for recycling can further emphasize the difference. Lids can also help: Cutting circles out of a lid for bottles and cans can remind people not to put other waste in.


Label recycling and garbage containers with simple, large words and icons. Place labels at eye level and on each container's lid and sides. Print free signs for containers.

Make waste stations visible from afar with a flag or sign placed high enough that people can see it above a crowd.

Container placement

Use the buddy system — always have recycling and garbage bins paired together, never alone.

Limit the number of waste stations so they're easier to keep an eye on. Place larger waste stations in areas where high volumes of waste will be generated.

Try to staff all recycling stations with a volunteer who can help event attendees sort their waste into the right bins. If this is not possible, then assign someone to check each area periodically.

Communicate with vendors and exhibitors

Notify vendors and exhibitors of your garbage and recycling collection setup. Make sure all bins are well labeled and talk with vendors about what waste they will have and how to sort it properly into recycling and garbage.

Let food vendors know the proper procedures for recycling their materials, such as rinsing food out of containers, flattening cardboard boxes, etc.